Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I'm sure most people were relitivly optamistic and happy kids. I know I was, dispite the bullshit I had to suffer from my classmates up till the 7th grade. Luckily I had a sence of Fuck You all, and you're BS. What I am saying is, it did not bother me. I had my videos and crappy comics that I drew to entertain me. I also had a sence that the best part of life was just around the corner anyway. Eventualy I would go to University and join the navy. I did both of those. Anyway, for the first couple of years I was happier than a pig in shit (Why do they like shit anyway? It's one of those sayings I never understood).

In this little drawing, it seems it will be a single moment of time will crush poor little Billy's spirits and turn him unhappy and bitter. It took three or four moments for me. Infact I can give you a couple of dates: 26 June 2006, 1 July 2006, 4 September 2006. Three dates full of failure, death and dissapointment.

However, I once again belive the best part of my life is just around the corner. The Bane of my existance since June of '06 is almost corrected. After that is taken care of, Life can begin anew. I also have solice in being able to create, being a film student helps with that. So all in all... what was my point of alll this? I can't remember.

Oh, yeah. Violence towards children is funny.