Sunday, February 1, 2009

How I Spent Your Tax Money on Saturday

This weekend was a sports weekend that pitted HMCS Queen against Unicorn. It was a battle of titans which I spent most of watching tv. Apparantly I was supposed to sign up for different sports ahead of time. I thought it was a suggestion, however because I didn't I wasn't allowed to play in any of the games.

Exept one, vollyball. One of the people who sighned up for it didn't show. So I joined the team! For five minutes. I was quickly kicked off because I was so bad at it. I'm not jocking, I was quite literaly kicked off the team for being bad at sports. The captain called for a time out, pointed at someone and said "you.." then pointed at me and said, "...replace him." And I'll say this again, it was after only five minutes of me playing.

Then a game of basket ball was started, and I was made to keep score. I have no idea how to score Basketball. I was tolled that it was one point for fowels and two for baskets. That was fine. It is supprisingly hard to score basketball. After a basket is made the game just keeps going on, so if you don't pay attention you can miss a score. And I know I missed atleast three and added one, even though I was not sure if the ball went into the basket. At one point in the game I was told by the ref that one basket that was just made was worth three points. That completly threw me off. From then on I had to keep asking the ref every time someon scored how many points it was worth. My question is: Who cares? Why isn't it just one point for one basket? Why do you want to complcate things that don't have to be? Do you have a thing for uneccisarily high scores? Long story short, I can't score things.

After lunch I had no sports to play. The people who didn't have anything to play also, watched
the others. I, on the other hand, watched Hells Kitchen, then Sienfield, then the Simpsons on cable tv in the mess. That's all I did for the rest of the work day.

Your tax dollars at work folks, paying for me to watch the cable tv that you paid for. Hoorah for the navy!

By the way our unit lost the basket ball game 50 t0 21. And we lost the over all sports weekend.

So in conclution: Thaks for the hundred bucks!!!