Thursday, November 29, 2007

Stopping The Seal Hunt

Now I'm sure there is a lot out there right now about the seal hunt in Newfoundland, however I do have something I need to say about it. Regardless if anyone reads it or not.

The seal hunt is wrong pure and simple. Now I know that you see celebrities getting pictures with cute baby seals (like Paul McCartney). However obviously the Newfoundlanders only hunt the adults. They also shoot them, not club them to death. But that’s not the point. It is immoral to allow the Newfoundlanders to hunt seals because Newffies are terrible people.

I’ll go on the record saying, “I hate Newfoundlanders.” They deserve everything they get. Having an entire generation of young men killed in one day during WWI, having Quebec take money away from them, so on and so forth. It’s obviouse that God also hates the Newfoundlanders.

Allowing those people hunt an un-endangered species to feed and cloth there families is unfathomable to me. So let’s stop that seal hunt people! Those Newffies had a free ride for long enough!

Don't forget, Paul McCartney hates Newffies just as much as God does!
Solidarity People!